Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 16, A
Abdallah, Sidi Muhammad ibn, Sultan of Morocco
Aberson, Capt. (of the Erfprins)
Académie royal des sciences
Active (merchant ship)
Adams, Abigail, 2d (Nabby, Amelia, 1765–1813, daughter of AA and JA, later wife of William Stephens Smith, designated as AA2 in The Adams Papers)
Adams, Abigail Smith (1744–1818, wife of John, designated as AA in The Adams Papers)
Adams, Charles (1770–1800, son of AA and JA, designated as CA in The Adams Papers)
Adams, Charles Francis (1807–1886, son of JQA and LCA, designated as CFA in The Adams Papers)
Adams, John (1735–1826, designated as JA in The Adams Papers)
Adams, John Quincy (1767–1848, son of AA and JA, designated as JQA in The Adams Papers)
Adams, Samuel (1722–1803, pres. of Mass. senate, 2d cousin of JA)
Adams, Susanna Boylston
Admiralties, Dutch
Admiralty, High Court of (Brit.)
Admiralty Court, Boston
Adriatic Sea
Aguesseau, Henri François d’ (former French chancellor)
Alexander, Sir William (Brit. poet and statesman)
Alexander the Great
Alexandria, Va.
Alicante, Spain
Allen, Jeremiah (of Boston)
Alliance (Continental frigate)
Allston, Washington (painter)
Amelung, John Frederick (glassmaker)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
American Revolution
Amiable Elizabeth (merchant ship)
Amman, Johann Conrad (of Amsterdam)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ancona, Italy
Anglo-American Definitive Peace Treaty
Anglo-American Preliminary Peace Treaty
Anglo-Dutch War
Annapolis, Md.
Anonymous letters
Antwerp, Belgium
Appleton, John (son of Nathaniel)
Appleton, Nathaniel (of Boston)
Aranda, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, Conde de (Spanish ambassador to France)
Aretino, Pietro (Italian writer)
Armed Neutrality
Armstrong, Lt. William (Brit.)
Arnold, Benedict
Arnoux, Abbé (French cleric)
Articles of Confederation
Ashton, Capt. John (of the Remittance)
Asp, Per Olof von (secy. to Swedish embassy at Paris)
Association Movement (England)
Atkinson, Elizabeth Storer (wife of John)
Atkinson, John (London merchant)
Auchincruive, Scotland
Austin, Mr. (business partner of Richard Cranch)
Austrian Netherlands
Auteuil, France