The Reference Department
best place to begin a research project is in the Reference Department
of your local public library or school library. The reference department
holds the best kept secret within the library -- the books and electronic
databases that will provide a path to the information you seek.
At the
beginning of your project, you don't want to go directly to the library
catalog and search for the 300 page definitive history on the topic you
are researching. Although books like these will be helpful later in your
research, these cumulative histories are comprehensive and provide in-depth
analysis of all aspects of a topic, which can overwhelm you. What you
need to do first is acquaint yourself with the hard facts of your research
topic - when did the event take place, where did it take place, who was
involved and what were the outcomes? The answers to these basic questions
can be found in reference sources and the place to find reference
sources is in the Reference Department of your public or school library!