A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Saturday 25th

25 February 1865

Monday 27th

27 February 1865
26 February 1865
Sunday 26.th

Steady rain. Thus far since the first of this month, there has been but one fine day, yesterday. Nevertheless I went to the City and found my way with some hesitation to All Hallows, Lombard. The singular manner in which some of these edifices are packed in behind shops is probably owing to the gradual rise in value of the open spaces bordering on the street. The exterior of the building is plain enough. Inside is the simplest style of Wren. The only exception is in the angles of the ceiling, in which pointed arches are thrown over the windows numerous on each side and the east end. The effect of this is good. An organ gallery over the west end as in most cases. A heavy altar piece, with something in the centre which looked like a219 crucifix, but I cannot be sure, as it was very dark. Such a thing is not to be presumed in an Anglican Church. Two windows mentioned in Brayley as having stained glass in the them must have been closes since he wrote. Although shut in by brick walls, and in a cloudy day, it had an excellent position for light. This is Wren’s leading object. When I remember the fate of the reconstruction of the first Church in Boston I appreciate this merit. Gothic dimness is fit only for superstitions observances. The wood work of dark oak with elaborate coming of door frames and pulpit. On the whole an impressive interior, without being fine. Service as usual. The clergyman preached without notes, but not thereby enlarging the ordinary measure of ideas. I found but one in the Sermon, and that came from the text in Ezekiel. On my return home, off again to fulfil my promise to Mr Alward, to take luncheon with him at his lodgings in Welleck Street. He has very comfortable rooms, fitted up with simplicity and good taste. A neat, profuse and excellent luncheon. Returned home to meet General Barlow whom I was to take to the zoological gardens, but the weather was too bad. So he sat with me for a couple of hours during which Mr Duncan with his son in law Mr Hay came in, and lastly Mr Parkes. The last named overstaid the rest in order to whew me a letter from Thurlow Weed to him dated the first, in which he intimates that the Cabinet is to be newly constructed with Governor Morgan in the Treasury and myself in the State Department. What is to be done with Mr Seward, he does not mention. At the same time he mentions Governor Andrew for the Navy which is consisted with my being in the State. I should feel uneasy at this if I had much faith in Weed’s relations with the government. But his tone is so querulous, and his late course has been so unsteady, that I much question his possessing any of the President’s confidence. I know not whether I should less deprecate a translation to Washington than a continuance here. Went again to dine with Mr Bentson; as he agreed to make no ceremonious affair. The two Secretaries and Mr Browning the only other guests. I however took the liberty of carrying without invitation General Barlow, which I doubt not gratified them. A small round table and a vastly more sociable and pleasant dinner than the other ones, with greater pretensions. Home before eleven, to read Mr Mill’s chapter on profit.220

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d057