A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Thursday 30th

30 May 1861

Saturday 1st

1 June 1861
31 May 1861
Friday 31st

An opening the newspaper this morning I found that in a very full house the ministry had triumphed by a majesty of fifteen votes. This renders their continuance for another year likely. It appears that I did not arrive in time to hear Lord John Russell reprove Sir John Ramsden for his malignant exultation at the difficulties in America. But Mr Gladstone commented sharply upon him for the same offence, which I did hear. All which is a little significant. I think the Ministry has rather changed is tone, but I fear the evil done cannot be very easily repaired. My morning was devoted to the completion of the customary weekly despatch. I must take a little more time for these, hereafter. My present accommodations are not such as to favor me in this regard. I was obliged to shut myself until noon in order to get ready to take my draught to the legation be copied, and then I had to stay at home at four when Mr Moran brought the copy to be collated, signed and sent. I likewise yesterday and today made up a letter my son John, to go by the same steamer. Thus I was kept at home today more than usual. Went to dine, by invitation, with Mr Munckton Milnes. The company all gentleman. Baron Brunnow, and two other diplomatic characters, Messr Bright, Colden and Walpole, members of the House of Commons, Sir Somebody Seymour a retired British diplomat, Mr Murkay Morris, the manager of the London Times, and Mr Parkes, Dr Palfrey’s friend, were all I gathered. There is a great difficulty in catching and retaining the names, not to speak of the faces of the person so hastily presented. I ought not however to forget Professor Senior. The conversation was not general. I sat between Baron Brunnow and Mr Walpole, whom I took to be in the government, but LI lost his name. He was a pleasant and an intelligent man. The entertainment was very handsome. I exchanged only a few words with Mr Bright and Mr Colden. My chances of conversation were cut of by the call of Mrs Adams to go to Land Stanhope’s for the evening. Here were two rooms filled with persons who at first sight all looked strangers. But gradually I picked up acquaintances and they enlarged the circle, so that I got on quite comfortably. Lord and Lady Wensleydale on the whole served me best. Many literary men here, Thackeray, Grote, Milenan, Reed &c154

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d151