A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Thursday 28th

28 February 1861

Saturday 2d.

2 March 1861
1 March 1861
Friday March 1st

Very warm and a high wind blowing he dust about in great quantities. At the Capitol early enough. But it my seat I am now called out once in about fifteen minutes by persons who are desirous of my interest for one thing and another. This a very serious interruption and annoyance, when the yeas and nays are called so often. After some preliminary business we resumed the voting on the report of the Committee of thirty three. The enabling act of New Mexico was met by an indirect vote to lay on the table, which prevailed by a large majority including a majority of the slaveholding members. This is answer sufficient to the pretence that this is any thing like a concession. Next came the amended fugitive slave law which passed by about ten votes. I could not make up my mind to record myself as for it, though very certainly I could not vote against it. On the last measure I went against it with a large majority.84 So that on the whole the record is pretty satisfactory. An attempt was renewed to call up the volunteer bill but it failed. We then took a recess of two hours for dinner, and I returned to an evening session from seven until half past ten. Here an effort was made to admit the resolutions of the peace Convention which seem to have met with the approbation of nobody. On the suspension of the rules I voted in the affirmative deeming it not consistent to object to the introduction of a peace proposition coming form a convention so respectable in its character. But a large number of my friends including nearly all of my delegation would not even give this civility. Such is the effect of party spirit. I certainly should have been obliged to record myself as against them on their merits, but I thought they deserved at least that tribute at my hands. After acting on some other business, we adjourned. I was obliged to walk home a third time as the Omnibuses were crowded, so I got back late, and very tired.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d060