A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1861

Sunday 17th

17 February 1861

Tuesday 19th

19 February 1861
18 February 1861
Monday 18th

I am working through the labor of despatching my speeches, and those which have accumulated around me. A letter or tow, with an occasional visit from a constituent or a stranger fill up my leisure. At the House I write a letter or two, and am interrupted more or less by calls from persons who come to sound me for place. I had Mr Burlingame around me again today talking much in his usual way. How very sudden this intimacy! We had a little active warfare in the House today, first on a loan bill offered by Mr Sherman, and next on a bill to organize the Pike’s Peak country into a territory called Colorado. Both measures were carried over all opposition. In the latter is a provision which seems to me very illjudged. A strip of land is taken from New Mexico which bring the line of boundary on the thirty-seventh parallel and transfers about three thousand people to the new territory. The effect is in a degree to confirm the pestiferous notion of a compromise line on a parallel of latitude, instead of breaking it up as I hoped to do by admitting New Mexico with an irregular boundary, and further to take out the most vigorous portion of the American population which might be expected to reform the slaveholding features of the Territory already so artificially engrafted.But there are the incidents of legislation, which seldom attains complete results. I dined again today at Mr Sanford’s in company with MessrBurlingame and Colfax of74 the House, Lt Governor Raymond and Mr James Wadsworth. Two more of his guests failed him. We seat talking in the parlor after dinner until half after eleven. Mr Raymond is Editor of the New York Times, and he sees the policy of the country in the same light as I do. But I regret to find the tendency is running the other way. Our people misled by the givings out of the New York Tribune and of Mr Lincoln are growing more and more distracted in sentiment, and less likely to strike out any consistent policy. Mr Wadsworth thinks the peace convention will end in a nearly equal division. In the mean while the Virginia convention is growing more and more impatient, and inclined to violent counsels. No country was ever so blasted by feeble partisanship and miserable jealousies.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA61d049