Papers of John Adams, volume 17

Sir Jermÿn Street, 22 August 1785

I was very grateful to receive the communication you were so kind to send to me on the reaction of the United States of America to the decision of my lord the king regarding the question you, sir, proposed to the minister of the king then at The Hague, Mr. Saint Saphorin, about the reception of American candidates into the holy orders of the Episcopal Church, commonly known as Anglican.1

I will not fail to transmit the copy of the resolution of Congress of 21 March to my court by today’s post, and I believe I can assure you in 349advance, sir, of the satisfaction with which the king will receive this friendly gesture on behalf of a state for which he will always be disposed to show evidence of his goodwill and utmost consideration.

At the same time, may it please you to receive assurance of the most perfect sentiments with which I have the honor to be, sir, your most humble and most obedient servant
