Papers of John Adams, volume 6

La Vauguyon to Vergennes, 15 May 1778 La Vauguyon, Paul François de Quélen de Stuer de Causade, Duc de Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de La Vauguyon to Vergennes, 15 May 1778 La Vauguyon, Paul François de Quélen de Stuer de Causade, Duc de Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de
La Vauguyon to Vergennes
Du 15. May 1778

J'ai1 receu, Mr. le Comte, les depesches que vous m'avez fait l'honneur de m'addresser.

La2 lettre de Mr. Franklin est arrivée,3 comme Je m'y attendois; mais j'ai engagé son Emissaire,4 ainsi que je vous en avois assuré, à suspendre la demarche qui lui étoit prescrite, sans lui faire connoitre mon motif. Je lui ai temoigné qu'il me paroissoit prudent, de sonder encore les dispositions de notre ami d'Amsterdam,5 et de lui demander des nouveaux Conseils avant de S'acquitter de la Commission des Membres du Congrès. Je l'ai bien prevenu qu'il devoit uniquement parler en son nom, et s'abstenir de prononcer le mien. Il a suivi mon avis, et à trouvé notre vertueux Republicain constamment penetré du meme desir, et de la meme esperance. Il venoit me rendre compte de son entretien avec lui au moment où votre derniere depesche m'est parvenuë. Je lui ai dit alors, que, comme je n'avois recu aucun ordre relatif à la demarche dont il étoit chargé, et que je m'en avois avis que par la communication qu'il m'en avoit donnée, je ne pouvois, ni la hater, ni la suspendre, ni la diriger; que j'avois lieu de croire que le Roi verroit avec Satisfaction le rapprochement des Etats unis et des Etats generaux; mais que je savois, qu'il desiroit essentiellement que rien ne troublat la tranquillité des Hollandois, et que ses dispositions à cet égard me paroissoient egalement conformes aux veritables interets de la France, et des deux Republiques.

La lettre de Mr. Franklin a été remise hier matin. J'apprends par l'Emissaire du Congrès que notre ami d'Amsterdam a eu à cette occasion une Conversation très interessante avec le Conseiller Pensionnaire, qui lui a paru flatté de la Confiance que lui témoignoient les Chefs des Etats unis, et aussi favorablement disposé, qu'il pouvoit le desirer. Mr. de Bleiswyk n'a nullement été embarrassé du parti qu'il devoit prendre. Il a senti la necessité de faire part aux membres des Etats de Hollande du temoignage de prévenance du Congrès envers la Republique; mais pour ne pas donner à cette Communication un éclat nuisible à ses 416vuës, il a cru ne devoir dans ce moment rendre aucun compte à cet égard dans l'assemblée meme. Cette demarche auroit exigé une Resolution des Etats à l'effet de prendre la lettre ad referendum, et de la communiquer aux differentes villes et au Corps des Nobles, et cette resolution, quoique provisoire, auroit pu exciter les reclamations de la part de l'Ambassadeur d'Angleterre, à qui il paroit Sage, de n'en pas fournir encore le motif. Il s'est determiné à donner secrettement à chaque Membre des Copies de la lettre. Par ce moyen les differentes villes recevront l'information necessaire pour deliberer sur cet objet interessant, et lorsque le Conseiller pensionnaire jugera convenable de faire son rapport aux Etats assemblés, chaque deputé pourra avoir une connoissance légale du voeux formel de ceux qu'il represente. Notre Ami d'Amsterdam est enchanté de la tournure que prend cette affaire, et se flatte du plus utile Succès.6

(Le reste est en écrit:)7

P.S.8 J'ai l'honneur de vous envoyer ci joint la copie de la lettre de Mr. Franklin au Conseiller pensionnaire traduite de l'Anglois.

Vous9 êtes vraisemblablement informé de la mort du Ld. Chattam, que nous venons d'apprendre.

Suite un passage chiffré d'un Chiffre que nous n'avons pas.

La Vauguyon to Vergennes: A Translation, 15 May 1778 La Vauguyon, Paul François de Quélen de Stuer de Causade, Duc de Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de La Vauguyon to Vergennes: A Translation, 15 May 1778 La Vauguyon, Paul François de Quélen de Stuer de Causade, Duc de Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de
La Vauguyon to Vergennes: A Translation
15 May 1778

I1 have received, M. le Comte, the dispatches that you did me the honor to send.

Mr.2 Franklin's letter arrived3 as I expected, but I convinced the emissary,4 in accordance with my promise to you, to suspend the démarche he had been prescribed without revealing my motive. I indicated to him that it seemed wiser to me to explore deeply again the dispositions of our friend from Amsterdam5 and ask for new advice before undertaking the commission of the Members of Congress. I duly warned him that he should speak only in his own name and refrain from mentioning mine. He followed my advice and found our virtuous Republican steadfastly imbued with the same desire and hope. He had just come to give me an account of his visit with him when your last dispatch arrived. I then told him that since I had received no instructions in regard to his démarche, and since the only information I had about it was through the communication he himself had made, I could neither accelerate, suspend, nor direct it, but that I had reason to believe that the King would see the rapprochement between the United States and the States General with a favorable eye; but that I knew 417that his main desire was that nothing disturb the peace of the Dutch nation, and, in this regard, his dispositions seemed to me to conform to the true interests of France and of the two republics.

Mr. Franklin's letter was delivered yesterday morning. The emissary from Congress told me that our friend from Amsterdam had, on this occasion, a very interesting conversation with the Councillor Pensionary, who seemed to be flattered by the trust shown him by the leaders of the United States and as favorably disposed as he could wish for. Mr. de Bleiswyck was in no way embarrassed by the measures he had to take. He understood the necessity of conveying to the members of the Dutch States the testimonial of the amiable dispositions of Congress toward the Republic; but, in order not to give this communication a notoriety harmful to his plans, he thought it better at present not to communicate it to the Assembly itself. Such a démarche would have required a resolution by the States, for the letter would have to be submitted ad referendum and communicated to the different towns and to the Corps of Nobles. In addition, this resolution, although provisional, might have provoked protests by the British Ambassador, and at present it seems wise not to furnish him the opportunity. He therefore decided to distribute copies of the letter secretly to each member. As a result, the different towns will receive the necessary information for their deliberations over this interesting matter; and when the Councillor Pensionary deems it appropriate to make his report to the assembled states, each deputy will be officially informed of the precise wishes of those he represents. Our friend from Amsterdam is delighted with the way things are proceeding and anticipates the greatest success.6

(The rest is in ordinary writing.)7

P.S.8 I have the honor to enclose a copy of Mr. Franklin's letter to the Councillor Pensionary, translated from the English.

You9 have probably already heard of the death of Lord Chatham, news of which has just reached us here.

There follows a ciphered passage in a code that we do not have.

Tr (Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague, Fagel Papers, No. 5216). This Tr resulted from the clandestine interception by the Dutch government of letters to and from foreign representatives (except the British) in the Netherlands. In view of the pro-British sympathies of those to whom copies of the intercepted letters were sent, particularly Hendrik Fagel, the griffier or secretary of the States General (see sketch in JA, Diary and Autobiography , 3:5), and in accord with past practice, it is likely that the British ambassador, Sir Joseph Yorke, received a copy of this letter (Miller, Sir Joseph Yorke , p. 34). A second Tr is in the Koninklijk Huisarchief, The Hague.


Immediately opposite in the left margin is the notation “Von.” Presumably it is an abbreviation for “Vauguyon.”


Immediately opposite in the left margin is the notation “En chiffre,” probably an indication that the first paragraph was not enciphered. In the deciphered text there were numerous instances of underlining of both a few words at the beginning of lines and entire passages, but because 418of its apparent randomness the editors have determined not to include such instances in the text as printed.


That is, the letter of 28 April from the Commissioners to Pieter van Bleiswyck, the Grand Pensionary, referred to in the present letter as the “Conseiller Pensionnaire.” A copy of that letter is included with this transcript but is not printed here.


That is, C. W. F. Dumas.


That is, Englebert van Berckel, also referred to as “notre vertueux Republicain.”


Besides confirming the accounts contained in Dumas' letter of 7 May, wording in this letter also suggests the French desire to deal with but one American commissioner, Benjamin Franklin. Although the letter to van Bleiswyck was also signed by JA and Arthur Lee, it was, for La Vauguyon and probably for Vergennes as well, solely “La Lettre de Mr. Franklin.”


Presumably this refers to the formal, stylized closing that the copyist saw no need to transcribe.


Immediately opposite in the left margin is the notation “En chiffre.”


Immediately opposite in the left margin is the notation “En écrit.”