Papers of John Adams, volume 5

From Joseph Ward, 19 April 1777 Ward, Joseph JA From Joseph Ward, 19 April 1777 Ward, Joseph Adams, John
From Joseph Ward
Sir Morristown April 19th, 1777

Yesterday I came to this place; all things remain much as they were; a few Companies have come in from Connecticut, and many more on their march, 'tis said that two thousand are on their march from that State, and many from Massachussetts. The constant complaint here is, that there are but few troops and the 156reinforcements come in extremely slow,—which is too true. On my way to this place I spent a night with General Lincoln, he gave me a particular account of the late surprise,1 by all the informations respecting that affair I conceive that General Lincoln's generalship was good, that he took every precaution which wisdom and vigilance would dictate in his situation, that the misfortune happened by the want of vigilance in some of the Guards, and that when the General had information of the Enemy he had a choice of difficulties, and but few moments to determine and to act in, of which he made the best improvement.

With respect to my Department,2 the troops are scattered over the face of the Earth in such a manner, in small divisions, and scraps of companies, that a proper Return of the Musters cannot soon be made, but I mean to push this matter as far as may be possible. I have applied to the General to have those appointments made which he is authorised to make, (with respect to Deputy Muster Masters in the several grand Divisions of the Army,) but he is so extremely hurried with business that he cannot attend to it immediately, and must have time to think of proper persons, &c. I am making out a proper form for a Muster Roll, a Copy of which I intend to furnish each Deputy Muster Master with, that all the Rolls may be as correct and uniform as possible; and hope soon to have matters which respect my Department in such a line that I may leave it to a Successor, and lend a hand to quicken the motions of our Naval Department at Boston.3

The opinion here is that the Enemy will make some movement soon, perhaps it might be advantageous, it might serve to rouse the people of the United States from a lethargic state, into which some of them have fallen, to activity and zeal.

May Heaven ever be propitious to the Members of Congress and make them wise as Angels of God to conduct the vast Concerns of America, is the devout and most ardent wish of Sir Your most Obedient Humble Servant

Joseph Ward

RC (Adams Papers).


For the British skirmish with Lincoln's forces, see Nathanael Greene to JA, 13 April (above).


With the replacement of Gen. Artemas Ward by Gen. Heath, Joseph Ward, secretary to Gen. Ward, was freed for another position. On 10 April he was named Commissary General of Musters with the rank of colonel ( JCC , 7:252).


Presumably Ward is referring to the Massachusetts Board of War, to which the General Court had given supervision over 157naval as well as military affairs. Although Ward may have known that a Continental naval board was being considered for Boston and the New England area, it was not created until 19 April (Charles Oscar Paullin, The Navy of the American Revolution, Chicago, 1906, p. 329–330; JCC , 7:281).

From Samuel Freeman, 23 April 1777 Freeman, Samuel JA From Samuel Freeman, 23 April 1777 Freeman, Samuel Adams, John
From Samuel Freeman
Sir Boston April 23d 1777

The General Assembly of this State frequently receives Petitions from Soldiers who have met with losses while in the Army, some who were inlisted Soldiers and some who serv'd as Militia Men—praying that they may be made good to them. Others who were taken sick on the Road and have been at an Expence pray that their Accounts may be allowed. I mention this to you that if you think proper you may propose to Congress to give some general Order in this respect. I think if this State pays such Accounts they should be repaid by Congress, unless each State should pay their own Soldiers—and if so, it should be known.

I beg leave to inform you that We have given liberty to Privateers &c. own'd in and mann'd from Towns that have rais'd their Quota of the Army to sail.

We have orderd 2000 Militia to be detached to Rh. Island.1

We have expell'd Coll Bowers from the House.2

We have impowerd Coll Craft to reinlist his Regiment for 3 Years.

The House has sent to the Board for concurrence a Resolve recommending the Town to instruct their next Years Delegates or Rep. to prepare a new Constitution of Government.

The Board have propos'd to us by Message that this matter might not be taken up now.3 The House have answered that this is the best time—and desir'd the Board to concur their Resolve.

We have granted Mons. Faneuil4 who lately applied to Congress for lieve to raise a French Regiment £700 to bear his and his Officers Expences that they may return home.

The House is determind to carry into Execution the Bill against Monopoly and Oppression5—and are about passing an Additional Act.

The Board have concurrd our Resolve relative to Government with an amendment—viz That in forming the Constitution the Board shall have a Right of negativing.

The House have not acted upon the amendment yet.6

I mean to oblige your Honour by communicating these matters. 158If I miss my Aim Your Candour I depend upon to excuse me. I am Your Honors most obedient & very hum serv in hast

Saml Freeman

RC (Adams Papers); docketed: “Freeman ans. May 6. 1777.”


On 12 April the General Court called upon the militia regiments of seven eastern counties plus Worcester co. to furnish the men to march at once to Rhode Island for reinforcing Gen. Spencer. They were to serve two months (Mass., Province Laws , 19:877–878).


For his refusal to accept Continental currency in payment for debts owed to him and for saying he had always opposed independence, Jerathmeel Bowers of Swansea was deemed on 7 April unworthy to hold any commissions under the Massachusetts government (same, 19:865–866).


The Council message stressed that the times were too dangerous and unsettled for constitution-making: Rhode Island was asking for military help; the British could descend on Boston; and secret enemies would seize upon any opportunity for trouble-making. The system of government approved by the congress and in use for nearly two years might better be continued until conditions were right. Pennsylvania, where some officeholders had resigned in disgust, was a good example of the consequences of hasty action (Records of the States, Microfilm, Mass. A.1a, Reel No. 13, Unit 2, p. 248–253).


Faneuil was one of a growing swarm of French officers who sought employment in the Continental Army. Washington, who had received from Faneuil more than one scheme for recruiting men, warned the congress of the uselessness of many of these foreign officers, who, he believed, were merely adventurers ( Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, 7:169–171). On 13 March the congress responded by resolving to discourage them from coming to America. Their lack of knowledge of English and their desire for field-grade commissions put major obstacles in their path. Yet on 24 March the congress did give Faneuil a brevet commission of colonel, but without pay or rations ( JCC , 7:174, 196).


That is, the act regulating prices.


The resolution that passed on 5 May included the Council with the House in one body for the purpose of making a constitution (Mass., Province Laws , 19:932–933).