Diary of John Adams, volume 2

266 1777. Monday. Septr. 22. JA 1777. Monday. Septr. 22. Adams, John
1777. Monday. Septr. 22.

Breakfasted at Ringolds in Quaker Town, dined at Shannons in Easton at the Forks, slept at Johnsons in Bethlehem.

[Travel Expenses, September 1777.] <a xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" href="#DJA02d312n1" class="note" id="DJA02d312n1a">1</a> JA [Travel Expenses, September 1777.] Adams, John
Travel Expenses, September 1777. 1

pd. at Quaker Town 2 1/2 dollars.

pd. at Johnsons at Bethlehem 8 dollars

at Hartmans Reading 4 dollars

at Parkers £4:18s:6d P.C.


Fragmentary record of expenses, written on the last leaf of D/JA/28, during JA's journey from Philadelphia to Lancaster via Trenton, Easton, Bethlehem, and Reading.

Congress sat in Lancaster for only one day, 27 Sept., adjourning on that day to meet at York on the 30th, and was able to proceed with business on 1 Oct. ( JCC , 8:755–756). Its place of meeting was the York co. courthouse (Robert Fortenbaugh, The Nine Capitals of the United States, York, Penna., 1948, p. 39). JA was at Lancaster by the 27th and at York by the 30th, where he stayed at the house of Gen. Daniel Roberdeau, a Pennsylvania delegate (JA to AA, 9 Oct., Adams Papers).

1777. Tuesday. Septr. 23. JA 1777. Tuesday. Septr. 23. Adams, John
1777. Tuesday. Septr. 23.

Mr. Okeley Okely, Mr. Hassey Hasse and Mr. Edwine Ettwein came to see me. Mr. Edwine shewed Us, the Childrens Meeting at half after 8 o'clock. Musick, consisting of an Organ and Singing in the German Language. Mr. Edwine gave a Discourse in German and then the same in English.1

Mrs. Langley shewed Us the Society of Single Women. Then Mr. Edwine shewed Us the Water Works and the Manufactures. There are six Setts of Works in one Building. An Hemp Mill, an Oil Mill, a Mill to grind Bark for the Tanners.

Then the Fullers Mill, both of Cloth and Leather, the Dyers House, and the Shearers House. They raise a great deal of Madder. We walked among the Rowes of Cherry Trees, with spacious orchards of Apple Trees on each Side of the Cherry Walk. The Society of Single Men have turned out, for the sick.


A Moravian account of this visit to Bethlehem by members of the Continental Congress is printed in PMHB , 13:71–73 (April 1889).

1777 Wednesday Sept. 24. JA 1777 Wednesday Sept. 24. Adams, John
1777 Wednesday Sept. 24.

Fine Morning. We all went to Meeting last Evening, where Mr. Edwine gave the People a short discourse in German, and the Congregation sung and the organ playd. There were about 200 Women and as many Men. The Women sat together in one Body and the Men 267in another. The Women dressed all alike. The Womens Heads resembled a Garden of white Cabbage Heads.