Adams Family Correspondence, volume 7

Abigail Adams to Abigail Adams Smith

Abigail Adams to Abigail Adams Smith

318 Elizabeth Otis Brown to Abigail Adams, 11 August 1786 Brown, Elizabeth Otis AA Elizabeth Otis Brown to Abigail Adams, 11 August 1786 Brown, Elizabeth Otis Adams, Abigail
Elizabeth Otis Brown to Abigail Adams
Madam Sleaford August 11th. 86

As I have been in Daily expectations of seeing London, I have defered answering your Letter,1 meaning to pay my respects in person. But seeing by the Papers Mr: Adams is just on the eve of his departure for Spain 2 I have taken up my pen to request the favour of you to inform me whether you have heard from Mr: or Mrs: Warren since you wrote last, I still remain in the same situation I was then in, not having heard since last August. Mr: Brown proposes being in London in the course of a Month when I mean to accompany him and if you are then in Town I will do myself the pleasure to call on you. My Compt: and best wishes attend you Mr: A. and Your Daughter and I am Madam Yr: Humbl: Servt

Eliz Brown

RC (Adams Papers.)


Not found.


On 4 Aug., the London Morning Post and Daily Advertiser mistakenly reported that the Adamses had left for Spain, purportedly to pursue a commercial treaty with Algiers. The London General Evening Post, 8–10 Aug., corrected the error and offered the real reason for the Adamses' trip, but the rumor of a trip connected to an alliance with Algiers persisted (see, for instance, London Daily Universal Register, 19 Aug.).