Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 2



12th. JQA 12th. Adams, John Quincy

I Dined with Townsend at Mrs. Hooper's. Amory went to Portsmouth on Monday, with several of his friends. They return'd this day to dinner at Davenport's. We called to see them; and sat with them drinking and singing till five o'clock, when they went for Ipswich. I pass'd the evening with Pickman, at Doctor Smith's. Townsend, went there with us, but found himself so unwell, that he went home very early. His cough has re-375turn'd, with several disagreeable symptoms. I fear exceedingly, that he is not long for this world.

We play'd whist an hour or two at Dr. Smith's and between 10 and 11. retired.1


JQA also mentions a “Perkins” in his line-a-day entry (D/JQA/13, Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 16).