Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 1


15th. JQA 15th. Adams, John Quincy

Paris, afternoon. Carried Mr. A's Letter to the Abbé de Mably,1 requesting him to write a moral, and political Catechism. The Abbés de Chalût and Arnoux read it. Went to Messieurs le Couteulx,2 for money, and was bad to come tomorrow. Bought the abridgement of Wolff's course of Mathématics in french.3


Letter not found, but see Mably's reply, 25 Feb. (Adams Papers).


Le Couteulx & Cie., Paris merchant bankers (JA, Diary and Autobiography , 3:61, 151).


JQA's “abridged” version has not been found, but JA's library contains a copy of Christian Wolff's Cours de mathématique, contenant toutes les parties de cette science... Traduit en François, & augmenté, ed. Charles Antoine Jombert, 3 vols., Paris, 1757.