Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 17, S
Saare River
St. Barbe, Capt. Wyatt (of the Ceres)
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
St. Croix River
St. Domingue (now Haiti)
St. Eustatius
St. Florentin, France
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
St. Lawrence, Gulf of
St. Petersburg, Russia
Saint Pierre, Charles Irénée Castel, Abbé de
St. Quentin, France
Saint Saphorin, Armand François Louis de Mestral de (Danish minister to the Netherlands)
St. Ubes
Salem, Mass.
Sangrain, Pierre Tourtille (French merchant)
Saportas, Joseph and Isaac (London merchants)
Saportas, Samuel (Amsterdam broker)
Sargeant, Mary Pickering Leavitt (2d wife of Nathaniel)
Sargeant, Nathaniel Peaslee (Mass. judge)
Sarreguemines, France
Sarsfield, Guy Claude, Comte de (French officer and writer)
Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de (French naval minister)
Sawyer, Como. Herbert (Brit. commander of Amer. station)
Sayre, Stephen (N.Y. merchant)
Scheldt River
Schmalkald Articles
Schmalkaldic League
Schubert, C. W. (of Rawicz, Poland)
Scott, Capt. James (of the Edward)
Seabury, Rev. Samuel (bishop of Conn.)
Setúbal, Portugal
Seven Years’ War
Seward, William Wenman (Irish writer)
Shaler & Sebor (N.Y. mercantile firm)
Shaw, Elizabeth Smith (1750–1815, sister of AA)
Shaw, Rev. John (1748–1794, husband of Elizabeth)
Shays’ Rebellion
Sheffield, John Baker Holroyd, Lord (M.P. and writer on trade)
Shelburne, William Petty, 2d Earl of (Brit. prime minister)
Shellelagh (Penn. privateer)
Shewries, Rev. (of Ealing)
Short, William (secy. to Jefferson)
Sidney (Sydney), Algernon (1622–1683, Brit. politician)
Sigourney, Ingraham & Bromfield (Phila. and Amsterdam mercantile firm)
Simson, Robert (Scottish mathematician)
Slaves and slavery
Smith, Elizabeth (Betsy, 1770–1849, daughter of Isaac, Sr.)
Smith, Elizabeth Storer (1726–1786, wife of Isaac, Sr., aunt of AA)
Smith, Isaac, Sr. (1719–1787, Boston merchant, uncle of AA)
Smith, James (of S.C., cousin of AA)
Smith, William (loyalist, chief justice of Quebec)
Smith, William (1755–1816, son of Isaac, Sr.)
Smith, William Stephens (1755–1816, secy. to U.S. legation in London, later husband of AA2, designated as WSS in The Adams Papers)
Smith, William Steuben (1787–1850, son of AA2 and WSS)
Société royale de médecine (Paris)
Somersetshire, England
Soulanges, Mr. de (of Toulon, France)
Soulés, François
Sousa Coutinho, Vicente, Conde de (Portuguese ambassador to France)
Southampton, England
South Carolina
Southern states
Spanish Inquisition
Spithead, England
Springfield, Mass.
Stanhope, Capt. Henry Edwin (Brit.)
Stanhope Affair
Staphorst, Nicolaas van (Amsterdam banker)
Staphorst, Nicolaas & Jacob van (Amsterdam banking firm)
Starbuck, Mr. (of Nantucket)
Staten Island, N.Y.
Statutes (Brit.)
Stephens (Stevens), Capt. Isaac (of the Maria)
Steptoe, Thomas Ludwell Lee (Amer. merchant)
Stettin, Prussia (now Szczecin, Poland)
Steuben, Gen. Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin, Baron von (U.S.)
Stevenson, John
Stichill, Roxburgh, James Pringle, 4th Baronet of (M.P.)
Stiles, Rev. Ezra (pres. of Yale)
Stockdale, John (London printer and bookseller)
Stocks and bonds
Storer, Charles (secy. to JA)
Storer, Deacon Ebenezer (1730–1807, father of Charles)
Stout, Capt. (of the Triumph)
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 3d Earl of (Brit. negotiator)
Struve, Johann Christian von
Stuart, House of
Suffolk County, Mass.
Suffolk County bar
Sullivan, James (Mass. politician)
Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de
Swedish-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce
Sydney, Thomas Townshend, 1st Viscountc (Brit. home secy.)