Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 15, W
Walachia (Ottoman province)
Wales, Prince of
Wallace, Johnson & Muir (London merchants)
Walterstorff (Waltersdorff), Ernst Frederik von (chamberlain to the king of Denmark)
War, Department of (U.S.)
Ward, Gen. Artemas (of Shrewsbury, Mass.)
Ward, Joseph (Boston land speculator)
War of 1812
Warren, James (Mass. politician)
Warren, Dr. John (Harvard professor), identified
Warren, Dr. Joseph (of Boston)
Warren, Mercy Otis (historian, wife of James)
Warton, Joseph
Warwick (packet boat)
Washington, George
Watertown, Mass.
Watson, Elkanah, Jr. (Amer. merchant)
Webster, Pelatiah (Phila. merchant and writer)
Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Baron Lough-borough
Wedgwood, Josiah (Brit. china manufacturer)
Weehawken (Wehock), N.J.
Wells, Rachel Lovell (sister of Patience Lovell Wright)
Wendell, Oliver (Boston merchant)
Wentworth, Paul (loyalist)
Wernecke, Frederic (military engineer)
West, Benjamin (artist)
West Cambridge, Mass.
Western Islands
West India Company (Dutch)
West Indies
West Point, N.Y.
Whale fishery
Whale oil
Whately, Thomas (M.P.)
Wheatley, Phillis
Wheelock, James (brother of John)
Wheelock, John (pres. of Dartmouth College)
Wheelwright, Mr. (of Boston)
Whitefoord, Caleb (secy. to Richard Oswald)
Wilhelmina, Princess of Orange
William III, King of England
William V, Prince of Orange and Stadholder of the Netherlands
William and Mary, College of
Williams, Jonathan (Nantes merchant)
Williamsburg, Va.
Williamson, Hugh (N.C. member of Congress)
Willink, Wilhem (Amsterdam banker)
Willink, Wilhem & Jan (Amsterdam banking firm)
Wilson, James (Penn. member of Congress)
Witherspoon, Rev. John (of N.J., president of Princeton)
Woollen Act (1699)
Worcester, Battle of (1651)
Wren, Rev. Thomas (of Portsmouth, England)
Wright, Patience Lovell (wax modeler)
Wroxeter, England
Wythe, George (of Va.)