Index: Consolidated Thacher (Thatcher), Oxenbridge, Jr. (1719-1765) 15 mentioned DJA01 54 58 84 87 240 242 267 300 DJA02 95 PJA01 93 94 97-98 LJA01 20-21 lv lxxvii 10 in No. 44 LJA02 107 108 114 115 116 123-125 128 129 134-135 138-139 5 legal opinions of DJA01 110-111 142 147 160-161 238 3 JA's relations with DJA01 55 DJA02 12 DJA03 272-273 2 Sentiments of a British American PJA02 334 337 2 a leading lawyer of Boston DJA01 51 316 2 and writs of assistance case DJA01 211 DJA03 275 2 death of DJA02 55 75 1 Boston representative in Mass. House DJA01 301 1 Lowell trained for bar by DJA01 235 1 and N. P. Sargeant DJA01 321 1 and Noble DJA03 281 1 and Prat DJA03 274-275 1 and Stamp Act PJA02 260 1 and the “Sodalitas” DJA01 251 1 contempt for Otis DJA01 236 2 identified PJA01 98 LJA01 cxi 1 in No. 13 LJA01 234 1 political opinions of DJA01 109-110 2 law students LJA01 ciii cvii AFC05 111 112 481 PJA04 392 393 PJA09 381 384 589-590