Index: Consolidated Monroe, President James (1758-1831) 16 mentioned DCA01 24 27 30 36 40 60 110 444 xvi xix DCA02 5 297 DCA03 406 428 DCA04 45 178 6 JQA's eulogy DCA04 85 113 120-121 132-133 175 215 5 drawing rooms DCA01 1 7 56 81 447 2 and Webster's Greek resolution DCA01 52 64 1 Harding's portrait DCA03 411 2 JQA Secretary of State for DCA01 xxiv DCA01 1 1 New Year's Day visit to DCA01 25-26 1 and Clay's South American resolution DCA01 53 1 death DCA04 84-85 1 administration of DCA01 xvii-xviii 1 and White House DCA01 xiv AFC06 151 230 DCA05 138 DCA06 387 DQA01 289 293 294