Index: Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 12, M
Maassluis, Netherlands
McElroy, Archibald (Penn. tavern keeper)
McFarland, Rev. Asa (of Concord, N.H.)
McHenry, James (U.S. secy. of war)
Machir, James (Va. representative)
Mackay, Capt.
McKean, Rev. Joseph (of Milton)
McKean, Sarah Armitage (wife of Thomas)
McKean, Sarah Maria Theresa
McKean, Thomas (Penn. chief justice)
Madison, James
Madison County, N.Y.
Madrid, Spain
Mahon, Capt. Baptista (of the Julia)
Mainz (Mentz), Germany
Maisonneuve, Commandeur Joseph de (Knights of Malta)
Malcom, Samuel Bayard (private secy. to JA)
Malcom, Gen. William (father of Samuel)
Malmesbury, James Harris, Earl of (Brit. diplomat)
Malony, Elenora (of Phila.)
Maltese Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem
Mandeville, Bernard
Mann, Capt. John (of the Adelaide)
Mannheim, Germany
Marat, Jean Paul (French revolutionary)
Marblehead, Mass.
Margate, England
Maria I, Queen of Portugal
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France
Marlborough, Mass.
Marly (French estate)
Marsh, Jonathan (of Quincy)
Marshall, Esther Morris (Hetty, wife of James)
Marshall, Humphrey (Ky. senator)
Marshall, James Markham (Va. lawyer)
Marshall, John (Va. lawyer)
Marshfield, Mass.
Martin, Alexander (N.C. senator)
Martin, James (of Boston)
Mary (schooner)
Mary and Sally (sloop)
Mason, Anna Maria Murray (wife of John)
Mason, John (of Georgetown, D.C.)
Mason, Stevens Thomson (Va. senator)
Massachusetts Historical Society
Massachusetts Mercury (Boston)
Massimi, Marquess Camillo (Roman minister to France)
Masson, Francis (Brit. botanist)
Massow, Monsieur de (marshal of Prussian court)
Maund, John James (Va. attorney)
May, Dr. Frederick (of Washington, D.C.)
Mazzei, Philip (of Pisa, Italy)
Mears (Mearsh), George (of Quincy)
Medford, Mass.
Mediterranean Sea
Melmoth, William
Merlin, Philippe Antoine (French revolutionary)
Meuse River
Miami, Ohio
Middlesex Canal
Middlesex County, Mass.
Mifflin, Thomas (gov. of Penn.)
Milan, Italy
Miller, James
Miller, James (son of Magnus)
Miller, Magnus (Phila. merchant)
Miller, William (son of Magnus)
Milton, John
Milton, Mass.
Minerva (N.Y.)
Minerva (ship)
Minns, Thomas (Boston printer)
Mint, U.S.
Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Comte de
Mississippi River
Mohawk Nation
Molé, François René (French actor)
Moliere & Fils (Amsterdam merchants)
Mombello (Montebello), Italy
Monroe, Elizabeth Kortright (wife of James)
Monroe, James
Montague, Rev. William (of Quincy)
Montpelier, Vt.
Moore, Edward
More, Benjamin (Washington, D.C., printer)
Morell, Thomas
Moréri, Louis
Morgan, Daniel (Va. representative)
Morris, Mary White (wife of Robert)
Morris, Nicholson & Greenleaf (Washington, D.C., land firm)
Morris, Robert (financier)
Morris, William White (Phila. lawyer)
Morse, Rev. Jedidiah (of Charlestown)
Morton, Eliza Susan
Morton, Jacob (general of N.Y. militia)
Morton, John (N.Y. merchant)
Morton, Sarah Wentworth Apthorp
Moselle River
Mount Vernon (Va. estate)
Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus Conrad (Penn. politician)
Murray, Charlotte Hughins (wife of William)
Murray, William Vans (U.S. minister to Netherlands)