
Brown Bag

Finding Sedgwick In the Archives: Recent Discoveries in the Complex Life of Catharine Maria Sedgwick (1789-1867)

Lucinda Damon-Bach, Salem State University
Wednesday, February 6, 2013, 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Internationally famous author, pioneering Unitarian, rural and urban benevolent worker, sister to six siblings, active aunt to 37 nieces and nephews, and prolific correspondent, Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s fascinating life deserves a full-length biography. With over 4,000 letters in addition to personal journals at the MHS, there is much to examine. In her brown bag talk Lucinda Damon-Bach will share some of the questions and discoveries to date that are helping her to clear up misconceptions and prepare a long-overdue book about Sedgwick’s life and work.