I am not possessed of: Soon after the Regulars landed, the Set Fire to
the Town of Charlestown, & that day, yesterday & this Day they have consumed
[m]ost of the Houses as far as Penny-Ferry; and they have possession of
all that part of Charlestown, & are encamped upon Bunker's Hill; & we
are encamped upon Prospect Hill, Winters Hill, & at the Bridge leading
to Inman's, Phips's &c. Yesterday & this day, they have Cannonnaded us,
but to no purpose; & our people, by Small Parties have picked off some
of their out Guards: We expect another action very soon. Do send us Powder,
& then we Shall, by the blessing of Heaven, soon destroy this Hornets
Nest. This put me in mind of Saltpetre: J Greenleaf Esqr, & Messrs John
Peck & Wm. Frobisher, are now, by encouragemt from Congress, gone to Brookfield,
upon Colo. Foster's Este, where is Supposed to be a very large Bed of
fine Earth, such as is described to be in the E: Indies, Strongly impregnated
with Nitre: The like is discovered in Several other places. I must beg
you to Send the best process of making it.-- Adieu my dear Friend, & assure
Messrs. Hancock, Adams, Paine &c, that I shou'd be glad to hear often,
how, what, & all about the Political World in which I am deeply engaged;
& that I remain Your & Their Sincere Friend & very humbl. Sert:
J: Palmer
J Adams Esqr.