Adams Timeline

Spanning the years 1735 to 1889, the Adams Timeline is a searchable collection of important events and happenings in the lives of the Adams family, from John and Abigail through three succeeding generations. Discover more about the Adams family by scrolling through the timeline or selecting a decade from the hyperlinks below. Some events include illustrations or links to related material. Click on the individual dots or blue time spans to read more.

For a printable version of the timeline, click here. For more information on the Adams family, see the interactive Family Tree.

Enter text in the "Filter" field to search for specific events or people across the timeline. For example, typing "Abigail" into the search box will identify events with that name anywhere in the text. Please be aware that first names tend to be repeated in later generations, so that searching names such as "John" or "Abigail" will retrieve results for several family members. Results will still appear in the appropriate year across the timeline but with only the selected events remaining.

Call out specific events by entering a term into the "Highlight" search box. Any event with the specific term will appear outlined in yellow.